dreams should be organized even in a drawer

I am the third girl after two boys.
My favourite game as a child? Putting their drawers in order!
I still remember the satisfaction of tidying up and making sense of their immense chaos. I guess my mother was my first satisfied customer.

In the years that followed, I studied, worked, travelled and lived many years abroad in London and Paris. After taking two degrees, one in Furniture Restoration in London and one in Cultural Heritage in Milan, I tried my hand at many jobs, including working as a tour guide for schoolchildren in Milan and as a saleswoman in an interior design shop, before becoming a restorer in Paris.

Once I became a wife and mother of two girls, I moved on to the restaurant and food business with my husband, but the tidiness bug has never left me: it has become a way of life, a method that I apply on every occasion, simplifying my life.

How I came to this job

My job as a professional organiser started by chance: a friend asking for advice, another friend asking for help. That’s how I got into this job, with lots of practice and experience.

My attention is particularly focused on all those who need or want to make a change and give a new impetus to their lives. Sometimes all it takes is the right encouragement and a new organisation to find momentum and simplify even the most complicated moment.

When I succeed in conveying my method, I see in my clients’ eyes the knowledge that they have regained control of their lives. Then, every time, I relive the childhood joy of those tidied-up drawers in front of the amazed looks of my siblings and the happy smile of my mother.

Valentina and I

I believe that love at first sight is a formula that also works for friendships.

With Valentina it was like that.

We met by chance, through friends, strangers in a foreign land, and I think it was our marked Italianism or perhaps our “Milanese-ness” that made us bond immediately.

I was won over by her honesty and her way of being sincere, without mincing words, with simplicity. And also her family management full of care and creativity: two qualities that she manages to put to good use in her work and in her human relationships.

Who is Valentina for me

Valentina is a perfect balance of contrasts: organised, precise, responsible, very independent, but capable of appreciating at best the sharing of relaxation, aperitifs, chats and healthy fun.

Even when faced with new challenges, I always feel at home with her, immersed in an order that we know how to build in perfect harmony, among ourselves and with our clients, complementing each other.

It’s a reassuring and at the same time stimulating harmony: what more can you ask of a partner?

Happiness is a puzzle that fits together perfectly

I am the mother of two children in their early teens and the wife of a Guinness World Record holder. But above all I am a woman who has changed a lot: cities, jobs, habits. From Milan, via New York and Shanghai, I arrived in Lugano five years ago. Where will I go next? Who knows?

Moving, relocating and different worlds have pushed me to adapt quickly to different environments and cultures, to reorganise my life and that of the whole family. The experience in China is the one I am most attached to. The most difficult thing was to find a balance in a daily life so far away. The habits and culture first destabilised me, then made me fall in love.

I have always helped my children to experience changes as adventures, accompanying them into new worlds with the curiosity of an explorer ready to learn and grow, without mistrust or fear of diversity.

My career path

Aesthetics and functionality: these are the principles that guide my career path.

After 13 years as a fashion journalist, divided between editorial offices, showrooms, fashion shows and photo shoots, I followed my husband to Shanghai, where I started working for an Italian architecture studio.

Interior design had always fascinated me and, not being so far removed from the world of fashion, it turned out to be the right element to give a new meaning to what I am and what I do. It completed a jigsaw puzzle that brought together all the pieces I had put together up to that point: a passion for beauty and order, distances and relocations to face, suitcases and family to manage, spaces and objects to organise. At that point, I was ready to combine my life and my profession: the perfect combination to wake up happy every morning.

Sissi and I

I met Sissi in Switzerland. She is like me: she never stands still and is able to fit a thousand things into one day. We decided to embark on this adventure together, certain that our personal experiences, combined and enriched, could be useful to many.

So far, time is proving us right.

Who is Sissi for me

She always manages to give the right sense of closeness at the right time: a smile, a joke, a remark, a simple glance. But what makes her extraordinary is her ability to connect with everyone, conveying a sense of team. I have seen very different people sitting around the same table become something more than a collection of individuals, and I have seen it through her. Because Sissi has a special gift for creating contacts and new networks, even between human beings who seem to have little in common.

She manages to juggle multiple commitments with precision but also with ease and lightness. She is straightforward even when she is not aligned, but knows how to be so in a graceful way. She is rational even when emotional and logistical chaos takes over. She never loses sight of the main objective: order. Because it is order that saves time and makes life better.

As a nature lover, she knows the hard work and rewards of the mountains. In short, she is the ideal partner when it comes to rolling up her sleeves and taking on a challenge with passion.